EuroVast invests in sustainability to produce zero impact paper

EuroVast invests in sustainability to produce zero impact paper
Vincenzo Romano, Chairman of EuroVast Group and Umberto Romano, son of Vincenzo, CEO at Cartiera Del Borgo.

EuroVast Spa, the all-Italian company specialised in the tissue sector, has been a consolidated business in Europe for the last thirty years. With five paper mills, four processing factories, one in Great Britain and another in Holland, it employs about 300-strong workforce and boasts a production output of about 150,000 tonnes. It has chosen green zero impact production for paper production at its factory of Fabbriche di Vergemoli – Lucca – Italy (Cartiera del Borgo) purchased by the company in 2016.

“The real challenge for companies today – declares Vincenzo Romano Chairman of Gruppo EuroVast – is to keep their commitments with the community, we are proud to state that the production of our factory has not only increased, thanks to the installation of the new LNG plant, but has zeroed our environmental impact. This is a unique and important goal for this factory located in the beautiful setting of the Park of the Apuan Alps, a natural environment to protect and defend.”

Since 2016, the year in which EuroVast purchased Cartiera Del Borgo, the company has made a promise to the community and undertaken to search for an alternative solution to the use of fuel oil – a highly polluting dense oil – used to produce the power required to heat the water.

Thanks to technology, the zero impact solution arrived: a LNG plant. The new plant, second in importance among those produced in Italy and supplied by LIQUIGAS, will transform the liquid into gas to power the paper mill plants. The investments made on the Continuous Machine to adapt it to the new production standards and the installation of a cutting-edge methane powered Cannon Bono Generator – called “Smart” because able to self-modulate on the basis of the actual and instant need for steam – allows to achieve thermal efficiency of 97.5% against the 93% of what standard Generators guarantee, confirm the policy of the company to invest in sustainability and in the sector.

Plants equipped with renewable energy sources and cutting-edge equipment to produce responsibly allow the company to pursue a policy of virtuous production in respect of the environment.


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