The Czech PAPCEL continues to purchase its competitors
Following the recent acquisition of GapCon tissue at the end of 2016, PAPCEL acquired another major player in the world market of papermaking industry. The company PAPCEL completed acquisition of the Italian company PMT Italia S.p.A.
Management of the joint-stock company PAPCEL continues to purchase other western European papermaking manufacturers. The latest acquisition was made in April 2017, i.e. the acquisition of the Italian company PMT Italia S.p.A., based in Pinerolo.
Thanks to the purchase of the Italian company Comecart, based in the town of Cuneo (former Burgo Group); the Czech PAPEL founded a manufacturing division PAPCEL Italy in 2015. Establishing the new manufacturing division significantly expanded the production potential, which is now being used by GapCon tissue S.r.l., a member of the Group. The Italian company PMT is completing a very strong group of companies and Italy is becoming a very strong technical-manufacturing “competence” centre for production of tissue papers, printing & writing papers and packaging paper grades. The purchase of manufacturing facilities from PMT premises expanded the manufacturing park and increased the production capacities.
Nowadays, PAPCEL Group comprises of leading and highly qualified patented technology suppliers with strong references worldwide. By merging with the Italian PMT, PAPCEL Group gains references in the USA and in China. This year PAPCEL expects to exceed the magical limit of revenues over 2 billion CZK for the entire Group of companies.
The Italian company PMT is a world-known manufacturer and specialist in the supplies of technology for the production of graphic papers and packaging paper grades. By merging with PMT, the number of employees has increased by more than 70 for the whole Group. The design “know-how” of the company has broadened, including direct sales.
The Italian PMT is a specialist in the supplies of machines with width over 5,000 mm. Over the last decade, the company has built more than 20 new paper machines and has carried out more than 100 refurbishments. The company has very strong references on the markets of Latin America, in China and the USA. The US and Australian markets where PMT has its sales agencies expanded the business portfolio of the entire Group. The company PMT Italia S.p.A. offers and supplies complete paper machines with very advanced solutions.
In the past 5 years, the PAPCEL Group has achieved its greatest historical achievements under the leadership of Mr. David Dostál, the Managing Director of PAPCEL. The company has increased the number of employees (more than 370 people work in the Group). The company has significantly increased technological know-how and production portfolio. In 2017, the company expects growth in sales revenues and increase in customer portfolio.