2016 results for the Sofidel Group
In the year of its 50th anniversary, the books are looking good for Sofidel, in line with forecasts, offering excellent conditions for the investments that the company is making, starting from those on the US market.
In the 2016 period Sofidel‘s turnover passed from 1,809 to 1,842 million euros (+33 million) with a 1.8% increase.
The Ebitda grew from 207 million euros in 2015 to 237 million euros in 2016 (+30 million) and the net profit rose from 63 million euros in 2015 to 83 million euros in 2016 (+ 20 million).
This is how the turnover breaks down: United Kingdom/Ireland (20.9%), Italy (17.5%), United States of America (13.1%), Germany (11.7%), France (11.5%), Poland (5.5%), Belgium (3.0%), Spain (2.9%), Romania (2.1%), others (11.8%).
As far as finished product sales are concerned, the market trend is growth for all lines of business, well above the sector average.
There was also an increase in all figures linked to monitoring environmental performance. The reduction of specific emissions (carbon intensity: quantity of CO2 per kilogram of paper produced) saw further progress: -19.1% compared to the -17.8% of 2015 (base year 2009); there was also a decrease in the average water consumption figure, which in 2016 was 7.0 l/kg compared to the 7.3 l/kg of 2015 (sector benchmark:15–25 l/kg); finally, positive growth in the percentage of procurement of pulp certified by independent third parties with forest certification schemes, which passed from 99.97% to 100%.